Ειδήσεις Οικονομία Πολιτική για την Ελλάδα και τον Κόσμο | ΣΚΑΪ

Skai.gr is a fairly popular website with approximately 4M visitors monthly, according to Alexa, which gave it a very good traffic rank. Moreover, Skai can boast of a very high social media engagement level: 101K Google+ votes, 878 StumbleUpon views and 185 LinkedIn shares. This website has a flawless reputation, so you don't have to take any extra precautions when browsing it.

Popular pages to visit on skai.gr

Advanced Alexa Stats

Traffic Rank: 28 757
Reach Day: 0.007431 + 1.9%
Month Average Daily Reach: 0.006369 + 32.8%
Daily Pageviews: 0.00054 + 6.8%
Month Average Daily Pageviews: 0.000357 + 22.2%
Daily Pageviews per user: 2.0265 + 3.9%

Domain info

Location: Germany
Hosted by: Hetzner Online GmbH

Social Networks Activity

Facebook likes: 150
Twitter mentions: 147
Google pluses: 101K
LinkedIn mentions: 185
Pinterest pins: -
StumbleUpon views: 878


This website is malware-free.
Status ok