Taobao. 淘寶海外全球站提供流行服飾、鞋包配件、3C、居家、母嬰、運動等上億件商品,服務於美國、香港、台灣、馬來西亞等幾十個國家和地區,讓您享受網路超低價,同時提供擔保交易(先收貨後付款)、先行賠付、假一賠三、七天無理由退換貨、數碼免費維修等安全交易保障服務,安心享受購.
Taobao.com is definitely an overcrowded website with approximately 695M visitors monthly, according to Alexa, which gave it a very high traffic rank. Moreover, Taobao has yet to grow their social media reach, as it’s relatively low at the moment: 1.67K Twitter mentions, 441 Google+ votes and 395 LinkedIn shares. This website has a flawless reputation, so you don't have to take any extra precautions when browsing it.
Popular pages to visit on taobao.com
淘宝网 - 亚洲较大的网上交易平台,提供各类服饰、美容、家居、数码、话费/点卡充值… 数亿优质商品,同时提供担保交易(先收货后付款)等安全交易保障服务,并由商家提供退货承诺、破损补寄等消费者保障服务,让你安心享受网上购物乐趣!
Advanced Alexa Stats
Traffic Rank: | 273 | |
Reach Day: | 1.4647 | + 4.8% |
Month Average Daily Reach: | 1.455 | + 18.4% |
Daily Pageviews: | 0.19691 | + 9.3% |
Month Average Daily Pageviews: | 0.18139 | + 19.5% |
Daily Pageviews per user: | 4.4232 | + 3.9% |
Domain info
Location: | United States |
Owned by: | Zhejiang Taobao Network Limited (浙江淘宝网络有限公司) |
Hosted by: | Level 3 Parent, LLC |
Registered by: | Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. |
Subnetworks: |, |
More domains registered by Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Social Networks Activity
Facebook likes: | 10 |
Twitter mentions: | 1.67K |
Google pluses: | 441 |
LinkedIn mentions: | 395 |
Pinterest pins: | 2 |
StumbleUpon views: | 45 |