is definitely an overcrowded website with approximately 678K visitors monthly, according to Alexa, which gave it a very high traffic rank. Moreover, Magic is slightly inactive on social media. We detected that this site has a negative reputation because of child safety problems.

Advanced Alexa Stats

Traffic Rank: 7 717
Reach Day: 0.00194 + 38.8%
Month Average Daily Reach: 0.001552 + 19.4%
Daily Pageviews: 0.000049 -50.3%
Month Average Daily Pageviews: 0.000073 -10.9%
Daily Pageviews per user: 0.97 -62.6%

Domain info

Location: United States
Hosted by: CloudFlare, Inc.
Registered by: Libya ccTLD

More domains registered by Libya ccTLD

Social Networks Activity

Facebook likes: -
Twitter mentions: -
Google pluses: -
LinkedIn mentions: -
Pinterest pins: -
StumbleUpon views: -


This website is malware-free.
Status ok