The most relevant articles about Multiple Styles
Multiple Styles Menu - Free DHTML JavaScript Web Menu Sample 5
Multiple Styles Menu The Multiple Styles Menu sample demonstrates the menus flexibility when it comes to using different text, colors and styles. There are very little restrictions when it comes to declaring these ki...
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A few more links worthy of attention
menustyle Dated: Monday February 23 2004 - 19:21:52 GMT Does anyone know if a menu will work if there is no style above menu items? And can I put style in menuitems? Thanks, Unknown, but I'd like to think there are some defaults built in. T...
Weird styles appearing
Weird styles appearing Dated: Saturday November 1 2003 - 1:52:04 GMT displays a weird style for "Home", where it appears as blue bkgd and red type. It also appears like this in the first item of its submenu....
several requests - headers, ai styles
several requests - headers, ai styles Dated: Monday September 29 2003 - 16:21:19 BST I'll make a list here, since I think it will be a bit easier to read. Most of these requests originally came from [url=