Mouseover Menu

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  • menu rollover

    menu rollover Hello! I like the menu at the following link: I'm a beginner with scripts! Who can help me! Greetz Dated: Friday July 16 2004 - 16:50:23 BST To make sure we understand what you want: You mouseover the Milonic, the animal cha...

  • CSS:hover on individual menu items

    CSS:hover on individual menu items Dated: Tuesday March 1 2005 - 15:36:28 GMT Is there a way to put call different CSS classes for individual menu items? I've read through the instructions for applying CSS to a menu, but it seems like you can onl...

  • onMouseOver coordinates for menu position

    onMouseOver coordinates for menu position Hello, I am setting up these menus for a web site that has a navigation menu that changes. I am firing the menus on an onMouseOver event, but the links will not always be in the same place. The "left" of...

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