The most relevant articles about Menu Scrolling
Follow Scrolling Style Menu - Free DHTML JavaScript Web Menu Sample 10
The Follow Scrolling Style Menu sample shows how you can have a menu item remain with the user as they scroll down the page. This feature can be applied to both Horizontal and Vertical menus and is indicated by a 1 (one) for Scroll and 0 (zero) for n...
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A few more links worthy of attention
Image maps and follow scrolling
Image maps and follow scrolling Dated: Friday March 19 2004 - 19:05:35 GMT Working with popup menus on image maps. Is it possible to have the menu (once poped up) fixed to the image? So if the image is scrolled the menu will scroll with the ima...
Mozilla menu scrolling problem
Mozilla menu scrolling problem Not sure if anyone else has run across this problem so here goes: With Mozilla 1.2, Mozilla 1.4 and Mozilla Firebird 0.6 when a page is scrolled down the menu seems to increase the amout it scrolls down. So once you...
Suggestion: Setting to Stop the menu scrolling down the page
Suggestion: Setting to Stop the menu scrolling down the page Dated: Wednesday June 19 2002 - 0:21:08 BST I didn't see this in the settings so if it's already in there, then please let me know... Anyhow, I have the menu set to scroll down the pag...