Javascript Offset

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A few more links worthy of attention

  • tooltip code

    tooltip code How is the tooltip code supposed to read? I've tried I've got the 1.3 tooltips and version 5.717 /mfurf Poster: Hello menufurfer, Long time, no furf... The correct syntax depends on what sort of thing you're mousing over....

  • Stilll Having Offset Problems with PopUp('menu', 1)

    Stilll Having Offset Problems with PopUp('menu', 1) Hey there ... This is still a big issue here. The question is how to get an offset from the relative position of the mouse pointer to work (NOTE: I _cannot_ use absolute positioning). I downloa...

  • Element level offsets (are they possible?)

    Element level offsets (are they possible?) Look at this image Anyway, I am having a little problem, and was hoping someone might have a solution. See the cursor (upword pointing hand) in the upper left quadrent of the screenshot? I have it pointi...

Good picks from other sources


    offsetTop property JavaScript

    offsetTop property Browser support: Returns the top position of the object relative to the top side of its offsetParent element, in pixels. The returned value is the top position of the object including the padding, scrollBar, and the border, but exc...


    offsetLeft property JavaScript

    offsetLeft property Browser support: Returns the left position of an object relative to the left side of its offsetParent element, in pixels. The returned value is the left position of the object including the padding, scrollBar, and the border, but ...


    How to get the timezone offset with Javascript | The Electric Toolbox Blog

    Example usage: The time zone offset returned The value returned from getTimezoneOffset() is the number of minutes different from GMT/UTC time. To get the number of hours you need to divide the number returned by 60, noting that there are some timezon...