Javascript Mouseover

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  • onMouseover doesn't work correct

    onMouseover doesn't work correct Dated: Thursday October 9 2003 - 16:13:05 BST when i want top use the Static HTML Object Based Menu Sample it works, but if i try it on my own websites it doesn't work. Why??? Code: <script   language=JavaScript...

  • Cursor on mouseover with no link

    Cursor on mouseover with no link Dated: Monday November 18 2002 - 20:03:58 GMT In Netscape Communicator 4.75, the main menu link that has a dropdown from it, does not show an arrow. It shows a vertical line. Is there anyway, I can get the main he...

  • mouseOver delay

    mouseOver delay Dated: Tuesday July 23 2002 - 19:26:39 BST I suggest that you add a parameter that would allow one to control how long your mouse must be over a menu item BEFORE it will expose the next level. We have a problem where moving your ...

Good picks from other sources


    onmouseover (HTML element) — SitePoint

    Description The onmouseover attribute is one of the most commonly used event attributes. It captures the moment that a cursor crosses the boundary of an element, moving from outside to inside the element to which the attribute is applied. It differs ...


    onmouseover event | mouseover event JavaScript

    Example HTML code 2: onmouseover event for a menu: <head> <style> .normalMenu { background-color: #ffffff; } .activeMenu { background-color: #ffc19c; } .normalContent { ...


    Javascript - New mouseover

    New Mouseover Netscape 4. On this page i give a new script for the old mouseover effect. it's much simpler than the old one, but works only in modern browsers. It makes use of advanced event handling. The script is a test case, it's not specifically ...