Javascript Image Map

The most relevant articles about Javascript Image Map

  • Image Map Sample - Free DHTML JavaScript Web Menu Sample 4

    The Commemorative Air Force or CAF Website is where the CAF showcases our Warbirds, our fleet of historic World War II Aircraft. In 1957, a small group of ex-service pilots pooled their money to purchase a P-51 Mustang,beginning the Confederate Air F...

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A few more links worthy of attention

  • Can a button link to multiple url's?

    Can a button link to multiple url's? I would like to have a link point to two iframes on a page. One changes the headline art and one changes the content for the page. So a given "button" would have two url links, each with a "target". Any chanc...

  • Problem with Image Map Menu in Mozilla

    Problem with Image Map Menu in Mozilla Dated: Tuesday July 20 2004 - 23:45:58 BST I've noticed in Mozilla 1.7 and in Firefox my onbgcolor and offbgcolors are not appearing in lines where I have the url element for the pop-up menus in the image ma...

  • Can Image Map open popUp at FIXED position??

    Can Image Map open popUp at FIXED position?? Is it possible to make an image map popUp menus at a fixed position? Each browser seems to be slightly different in this regard. IE6/Firefox/Netscape - popUp position is relative to the cursor Opera7....

Good picks from other sources


    HTML DOM Image Object

    HTML DOM Image Object Access an Image Object Example Tip: You can also access an <img> element by using the images collection. Create an Image Object Example Image Object Properties Sets or returns the value of the align attribute of an image border ...


    GitHub - davidjbradshaw/image-map-resizer: Responsive HTML Image Maps

    Image Map Resize This is a simple library that makes HTML Image Maps responsive, so that they automatically stay scaled to the size of the image they are attached to. It detects the window being resized and updates the co-ordinates of the image map a...

  • | jQuery API Documentation

    The function to process each item against. The first argument to the function is the value; the second argument is the key of the object property. The function can return any value to add to the array. A returned array will be flattened into the res...