The most relevant articles about Item Background
Background Item Images - Free DHTML JavaScript Web Menu Sample 20
Background Item Images The Background Item Images sample, demonstrates how to create a great looking menu bar for your own website using background images. This sample uses a background image in each menu item but unlike the all images sampl...
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A few more links worthy of attention
How to increase background color on top and bottom of menu?
How to increase background color on top and bottom of menu? Hi all, We have a Milonic menu that has a green background, and would like the resulting flyout menu to show about 20 pixels of green prior to the first menu item and then 20 pixels of gre...
Transparent menu item
Transparent menu item Hi! How can I turn just one item in my menu as transparent and not all of it? Thanks. Dated: Thursday January 8 2004 - 0:09:50 GMT Well, all I can think of is that you make that item out of an image with a transparent...
Background color changes for new items
Background color changes for new items Hello! When I add new items (other than the items shipped with the menu), or change the item text of the original menu items, the background color is automatically changed from blue to pink. But it is only th...