Iframe Menu

The most relevant articles about Iframe Menu

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A few more links worthy of attention

  • Iframes and Background Images

    Iframes and Background Images Dated: Thursday October 9 2003 - 4:54:03 BST Is there a way to make an iframe transparent in IE 5.5+ so that a background image shows through? Or if not, can iframes have user-defined backgrounds? In Mozilla the men...


  • Targeting to iframe

    Targeting to iframe Hi, if i want my links to open in iframe, how do I do that. Iframe is named as iframe. Another question is about links. Do I put the complete url, http://www.mydomain.com/gallery.html or just /gallery.html Poster: Dat...


  • iFrame problem

    iFrame problem Afternoon All, I have a few high profile clients who are using MAC OS9 and OSX with IE 5.2 I am using the horizontal menu and right underneath the menu I have an iFrame. When you click or mouse over the menu it goes behind the iFr...


Good picks from other sources

  • vistamenu.com

    Iframe Menu Javascript Template

    How to Use Flash Menu Builder Menu Generator Now it is time to save your project file. Note that you are free to save your project at any time. To save project just click "Save" or "Save As" button on the Toolbar or select "Save" or "Save As" in the...

  • w3.org

    HTML/Elements/iframe - W3C Wiki

    HTML/Elements/iframe Point If the src attribute and the srcdoc attribute are both specified together, the srcdoc attribute takes priority. This allows authors to provide a fallback URL for legacy user agents that do not support the srcdoc attribute. ...

  • stackoverflow.com

    html - Nav menu sitting behind iFrame - Stack Overflow

    1 Specifically on IE9 only, my navigation menu is sitting behind my iframe when viewing a PDF through that iFrame. I have set up a jsfiddle to demonstrate: Alternatively please see the bottom of this question for the code. When viewed on IE9 if you ...