Dhtml Form

The most relevant articles about Dhtml Form

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A few more links worthy of attention

  • JavaScript Menu Product Information

    Tool Tips Tool tips allow for additional information to be made available to your users by displaying associated text upon hovering for a specific amount of time over a menu item. Dynamic Dragable Menus Relative ...


  • Using the Milonic Menu in Forms

    _item=gmobj("el"+_i) itemOn(_i) } Define a menuStyle in your menu_data file. This style will be used by the 'dropdown'. Include the following line: clickfunction="changeParentText();"; clickfunction=""; Define your main menu [this will be the 'b...


  • Submit form

    Submit form Why is the form.submit('this') not working from the menu_data.js? Poster: Can you show the whole line? maz This is not working Poster: I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do with this. If you are trying...


Good picks from other sources

  • msdn.microsoft.com

    Introduction to Dynamic HTML (Internet Explorer)

    Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is a set of innovative features originally introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. By enabling authors to dynamically change the rendering and content of a Web page as the user interacts with it, DHTML enables authors to c...

  • dynamicdrive.com

    Dynamic Drive- Form Effects

      This script uses regular expressions to check that a form field contains a valid email address. "Show Hint" script displays an attractive hint box containing additional explanation on any item on your page. A hint box pops up nex...

  • dhtmlgoodies.com

    DHTML Form Validation

    This script is distributed under the LGPL open source license. Commercial licenses are also available. Some of these licenses also includes personal e-mail support for up to 1 year. This scripts validates text inputs as you type and select boxes a...