GameStop | The largest video game retailer in Canada. Play. Trade. Save. - GameS... is a moderately popular website with approximately 8K visitors monthly, according to Alexa, which gave it an ordinary traffic rank. Moreover, Eb Game S has yet to grow their social media reach, as it’s relatively low at the moment: 300 StumbleUpon views, 165 Google+ votes and 74 LinkedIn shares. This website has a flawless reputation, so you don't have to take any extra precautions when browsing it.

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Advanced Alexa Stats

Traffic Rank: 243 366

Domain info

Location: Ireland
Owned by: Electronics Boutique Canada Inc. O/A EB WORLD
Hosted by: Amazon Data Services Ireland Limited

Social Networks Activity

Facebook likes: -
Twitter mentions: -
Google pluses: 165
LinkedIn mentions: 74
Pinterest pins: -
StumbleUpon views: 300


This website is malware-free.
Status ok