Betty Crocker. From our kitchens to yours, all the tips, advice and recipes you need to make life more delicious, from everyday dinners and...
Recipes & Cookbooks - Food, Cooking Recipes - is definitely an overcrowded website with approximately 2M visitors monthly, according to Alexa, which gave it a very high traffic rank. Moreover, Betty Crocker can boast of a very high social media engagement level: 795K StumbleUpon views, 332 Google+ votes and 285 Twitter mentions. This website has a flawless reputation, so you don't have to take any extra precautions when browsing it.
Popular pages to visit on
From quick money-saving dinners you’ll have to make to believe to leisurely Sunday suppers with your extended family and friends, Betty Crocker loves to bring people together through memorable dinners...
(function() { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var componentMetadata = JSON.parse('\x7b\x22componentName\x22\x3a\x22TargetedNavigation_b1e0a2d1-b58c-4ad5-aaca-71d460e4a7b...
From our kitchens to yours, all the tips, advice and recipes you need to make life more delicious, from everyday dinners and desserts to special occasion feasts.
Advanced Alexa Stats
Traffic Rank: | 7 679 | |
Reach Day: | 0.00291 | + 67.9% |
Month Average Daily Reach: | 0.002619 | -3.4% |
Daily Pageviews: | 0.000155 | + 48.5% |
Month Average Daily Pageviews: | 0.000126 | -5.2% |
Daily Pageviews per user: | 1.94 | -11.3% |
Domain info
Location: | United States |
Owned by: | Domain Name Administrator (General Mills) |
Hosted by: | Edgecast Inc. |
Registered by: | CSC Corporate Domains, Inc. |
Subnetworks: | |
More domains registered by CSC Corporate Domains, Inc.
Social Networks Activity
Facebook likes: | - |
Twitter mentions: | 285 |
Google pluses: | 332 |
LinkedIn mentions: | 16 |
Pinterest pins: | 237 |
StumbleUpon views: | 795K |