; we're putting together a hackathon () on . I was thinking that might make a great sponsor, since .  Let me know if this is something you may be interested in and I'd be happy to send your more details or set up a phone call.   worked reasonably well.   We made sure to have at least a simple website up before sending out emails, to add some weight to the operation (IE, this isn't just some random dude emailing to ask for money).  We kept our intro email short in most cases; the longer an email is, the easier it is to ignore. We included a line or two in the email about the exact value proposition (IE, "because you're recruiting on campus and this is a great way to get the word out about your company"), both to ensure that there was at least some hint of the value proposition and to avoid the impression that this was a mass email we were sending to hundreds of potential companies.  Finally, the email was sent from a person rather than from an organization, in an effort to make a personal appeal and begin building a relationship with the potential sponsor. Assuming the company responds, send a longer email detailing the exact value proposition and the possible ways that a company could get involved (sponsor a custom prize, bring a judge, etc).  To start, though, keep it short, credible, simple, and personal.     What have I missed? How have you done things at your school? Leave a comment." />

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